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Roy E. Hanson Jr. Mfg.

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Specification #GL 0195

Hanson glass lining consist of a specially formulated sodium aluminum borosilicate composition which is finely ground, mixed with inert clays and other minerals, wet sprayed to a uniform depth on a sandblasted surface, and then fused to the steel vessel by firing at a temperature of not less than 1500ºF.

The glass lining process provides a hard inert barrier of silica glass chemically and mechanically bonded to the steel tank interior to provide excellent resistance to corrosion.

25 grams per square foot of sacrificial anode(s) is/are supplied with every glass lined tank. They must be examined and cleaned or replaced to maintain protection and tank warranty.

Average Minimum Thickness: (ASME)

5 - 12 mils


Over 5000 psi

Abrasive Resistance:

5.4 mg/min (PEI test)

Tank Sizes:

30" OD to 78" OD
Overall length to 336"

Maximum Temperature:

210 ºF


Dark (cobalt) blue


One or more 1 ¼" rigid or flexible magnesium anode(s) (25 gm/sq ft of vessel surface area) is/are supplied with all glass lined tanks.


Contains not less than 70% of refractory oxides such as silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, titanium oxide or zirconium oxide. The proportion of silicon oxide is not less than 70% of the refractory oxides and is not less than 49% of the total quantity of the components in the glass lining formation.